Cranes for Whales

Written By FULL NEO on Friday, October 23, 2009 | 6:19 PM


Here's a post from Jules, who is working in our Japan office:

At the end of September, Japan’s new Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama received a parcel filled with 1000 Origami cranes, better known as Origami Tsuru.

The cranes started their journey approximately 10,000 km from Tokyo, in the picturesque town of Waging am See near Munich, Germany. Here “Greenteam Löwenzahn” (Greenteam Dandelion) member Evangeline (14) read about the trial of the “Tokyo Two”, and how our activists Junichi Sato and Toru Suzuki are on trial for trying to save whales by exposing the corrupt Japanese whaling programme for what it is. Evangeline knew immediately that she and her friends needed to take action, to protect whales and ensure Junichi and Toru receive a fair trial in a country where being charged for an alleged crime will see you convicted of it 99% of the time.

In the past, “Greenteam Löwenzahn” has actively worked to protect whales by setting up information boards in their schools, collecting signatures against whaling in the streets of their hometowns, and organising events where children in Germany can give their vote (in form of a self-painted whale picture) for the life of the Whales.

However, this time the pupils felt that they needed to drive the message home to Japan. Some of the members of “Greenteam Löwenzahn” have lived in Japan before, and know about the Japanese custom of making making a wish to the Gods in exchange for folding 1000 paper cranes. A custom that is particularly poignant when pleading for the life of a loved one.


With this in mind the children of “Greenteam Löwenzahn” came together to fold 1000 Origami Tsuru. They sent these cranes to Japan’s new Prime Minister, Yukio Hatoyama, with the wish that the lives of whales be protected and that Junichi and Toru be given their freedom. “Greenteam Löwenzahn” reasoned that the Prime Minister has the power and the means to stop whaling. They highlighted that the new government came to power with the promise to end bureaucratic corruption and wasteful spending of tax payers’ money. In the eyes of “Greenteam Löwenzahn” Japan’s whaling industry is a classic example of exactly that and is therefore damaging to Japan’s reputation, particularly considering the research data and the meat the whaling industry produces are neither wanted nor needed.

So, the journey of the cranes ends in the office of Japan’s Prime Minister… for now. The children from the “Greenteam Löwenzahn” from the picturesque town of Waging am See, have raised their concerns as caring global citizens, and passed on their responsibility to one of the most influential men in Japan with the sincere hope that his government will take positive actions to save the whales as well as Tokyo Two.

If you also want to make your voice heard and protect the whales - then you can join the Tokyo Two - click here to find out the best way you can get involved right now.

Additionally - you can start your own inspiring initiative like the children from the “Greenteam Löwenzahn”!!!

Below is the letter they sent to Japan's Prime Minister

Dear Prime Minister,

Enclosed you will find 1000 Origami Tsuru´s from the children of Greenteam „Löwenzahn“ (Tampopo), which were created in great concern for the life and the protection of the Whales AND a decent treatment and consideration of Junichi Sato and Toru Suzuki.

In our opinion the aim of the action of Mr Sato and Mr Suzuki (while in Japanese consideration accused of trespassing and theft) was to inform the public (national and international) and the official authorities about illegal activities.

Dear Prime Minister, your government came to power with the promise to end government corruption and wasteful spending of taxpaper money. The whaling industry is a classic example of bureaucratic corruption and wasteful spending, moreover, the programme is extremely damaging to Japan´s reputation, and the research data and the meat it produces are neither wanted nor needed.

By targeting corruption inside the whaling idustry and removing its subsidies, you can send a clear message to both the Japanese People and the international community that you are serious about your election promises and are certainly different to the old government.

The children from Greenteam Löwenzahn are since many years actively enganged in protecting the Whales – working at schools with informations boards, in the streets collecting signitures against whaling and also organise events where children in Germany can give their vote (in form of a self-painted whale picture) for the life of the Whales. I am including pictures which show their actions.

I am sincerely hoping that you are taking positive action on this issue.

Best regards,
Maria Kageaki

Copies of enclosed letters were also sent to:
- Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Tokyo
- Greenpeace Japan, Tokyo

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