Today is Blog Action Day…
First and last, the purpose of Blog Action Day is to create a discussion. We ask bloggers to take a single day out of their schedule and focus it on an important issue.
This year’s is on the topic of climate change. So what do we at Nuclear Reaction have to say?
First and foremost, it needs to be remembered that nuclear energy is a huge barrier to fighting climate change. It diverts vital time, money, energy and resources away from much cheaper, ready sooner, safer, cleaner and efficient renewable energy sources and energy efficiency programmes.
You only have to look as far as the massively overbudget and behind schedule OL3 nuclear reactor being built in Olkiluoto in Finland. This disastrous experimental boondoggle has accounted for a massive 85 percent of the country’s energy investment budget over the last few years.
Imagine what could have been done with all those billions and all those years (the project was costed at EUR 2.5 billion but is currently running at EUR 5.5 billion – it is also three years late). Think of what will be lost if the rest of the world follows Finland’s terrible example. We, our families and the planet simply can’t afford to rely on nuclear energy. We need clean energy and we need it - and can have it - now.
What you can do today
1. Sign up and write a blog post for Blog Action Day.
2. If you live in the US you can write to your senator asking them to stop the nuclear industry – with lobbying cash - from buying the the Senate climate bill
3. In the UK you can ask your MP to sign up to Greenpeace’s Climate Manifesto.
4. In Turkey, you can be one of the million people to tell the government that nuclear power is not the answer to Climate change.
5. Get to know the nuclear issue. Get to know why and how it is so dangerous, from dirty and dangerous uranium mining to dirty and dangerous nuclear waste disposal. Look at the lives ruined by nuclear power. Discover the problems. Learn about the solutions. Tell your friends. Contact your government representative. Join us and take action.