Bidder from your Anxiety Drugs

Written By FULL NEO on Friday, January 28, 2011 | 6:05 PM

He said there antidote from anxiety, but in my opinion the best medicine is to surrender to the Lord .. Mmmh rather than surrender to the circumstances, that's two words that berbedakan ..., but from some articles I read I take outline some bidders from anxiety hopefully your help. But even if still less you can visit the other solutions here

Worried Fired

What to do? Set yourself to live life day by day. This method is the most effective way to reduce stress. You can also make a real effort to 'investigate' whether or not secure your position in the office. Meet the boss and ask for an evaluation of it, which part you should upgrade. "It is also wise attitude to look far ahead and accept every opportunity that could bring your career to a higher position," said Robert Leahy, Ph.D., author of The Worry CURE.

Safety of children

What to do? Meet your pediatrician and tell me what you feel. "Remember, most doctors who have children must also have experienced the same anxiety as you are," says Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, Ph.D., author of WOMEN WHO THINK TOO MUCH. "So, share your story with those who have been 'cured' of anxiety can certainly be very helpful." Then what if the doctor was not too much 'comfort' you? Find another doctor who would show sympathy.

For a sense of worry that is not related to health, such as the fear of children to repeat classes or baby with problems in school, then try to ask yourself whether there is real action that can be taken to resolve the situation. If you exchange ideas with fellow therapists or parents can make you feel better, then do. Try every solution that you think might be done. Only, keep in mind that life is completely erratic thoughts can also be taken as a precaution in the event something untoward. After all, children must fall used to be before it smart to ride a bike?

Fearing disaster

What to do? Take a moment to think about things that might happen, for example, is there any possibility of the city you live in a terrorist attack, or located in earthquake prone areas? "If someone is able to distinguish between facts and feelings of fear, then he could just have the strength to face the realities that exist," says Jerilyn Ross, head of the Ross Center Anxiety & Related Disorders, Washington, DC With this awareness, the preparation also needs to be done. Just write a list of things that can make you more secure and occupancy. "Then, you can say: 'Okay, I've done everything I could. Now I must continue my life again'," added Ross. If you're still worried, then it is time to seek help.

Worried personal health

What to do? Perform regular checkups to find out if your health remains fine, and do not forget to open the doctor. Then, focus on the positive things you can do, such as maintaining diet, and other healthy lifestyles.

Worried about the money

What to do? Create a budget and track where your money flows. That way you can know how the financial condition. It is also necessary for each person to find out what the real money? Is money symbolizes success, self esteem, or just as a means of subsistence? One thing to avoid is comparing himself with what everyone else has. Instead, look to 'down', then you will realize how lucky you are.

Worried about a relationship with someone

What to do? Investigate your relationship with asking yourself, how often you are frustrated and angry at the spouse / others, and in situations of how often it happens. Write down your thoughts, because anxiety poured in a paper will help you evaluate with a clear mind. Think how absurd such fear, then look for the right time to talk about it with the person concerned

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