As the saying goes where there are ants there is a sugar. Similarly, where there is certainly no cause acne.
Acne of any kind caused by a couple of motivating factors that can trigger the appearance of acne that can proliferate. Among other factors cause according to some sources that I read is :
Acne of any kind caused by a couple of motivating factors that can trigger the appearance of acne that can proliferate. Among other factors cause according to some sources that I read is :
- Stress
- Heredity from parents
- Hormone activity: One important factor that causes acne is the increased production of the hormone testosterone, which is owned by a body of men and women. The hormone testosterone found in the body of both men and women trigger acne by stimulating the oil glands (sebaceous glands) to produce skin oil (sebum) to excess.
- A hyperactive oil glands
- Bacteria in the pores of the skin
- Skin irritation or scratching
- Anabolic steroids
- Birth control pills / birth control pills, but many women experience a decrease in the appearance of acne during pill use
- Being in an environment with high levels of chlorine, particularly chlorinated dioxins, which cause serious acne called Chloracne